3 Free Daily Upload(s) Remaining

Step up your business

with ImagR

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How it works?

Buy your License on Design Gecko

The account gets created automatically during checkout!

1. Login with your DesignGecko credentials
2. Copy and enter your license key
3. Enjoy!

What you get?

1. Sketch Filter
2. No Advertising
3. Faster Loading Speed
4. CO2/2 Algorithm
5. Preview Function

6. Clean, modern Layout
7. Own masks on Masking
8. Contour Feature
9. Baning Algorithm
10. Marcin Algorithm

.. and many many more!

No more Free Uploads

Unfortunately you've been using all your free uploads on ImagR

Your free uploads will reset tomorrow, allowing you to continue using ImagR at no cost.
If you're enjoying ImagR and would like to keep using it without limitations, we encourage you to explore our subscription options.

Subscribing is an excellent way to support ImagR while enjoying uninterrupted access to all its features.

Wrong File Format

Unfortunately we encountered an error!

It seems like you're uploading a wrong file format.
Valid formats are:JPG | JPEG | PNG | BMP
If you uploaded a correct file, then it seems like the image is broken.
Please try another image or contact us here.

File is too big

Unfortunately the uploaded file is too big

ImagR online uploads have to stay under 100MB.
Please make sure your image size is smaller then 100MB and try again.

File already removed

Unfortunately your file already got deleted

ImagR online deletes your file 60 minutes after uploading.
Please make sure to finalize your work within that time to avoid this message.